Appster is home to a plethora of operational, strategic, analytical, and collaborative applications. 使用引导 5.X.X、Jquery 3.和SASS作为其核心构建模块,Appster是一个可靠的...
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Key 引导 5 Admin Dashboard
Key is a user-friendly 管理模板 that comes with an extensive collection of ready-made UI components, widgets, 和页面, Key使您能够比以往更快地建模和迭代设计...
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支持: 5/5


Would you like to receive detailed statistics on your sales, site performance, or marketing analysis? 这一切都有可能与高级仪表板模板. With a page like this, you don't need to count and track activity metrics manually. Everything works independently and automatically; you need to configure a few commands.


admin模板是用于显示重要信息的布局. 它有助于实现网站的任何目标. 这种工具用于监控,是分析的关键部分. This overview of the data is perfect for your business because you can make a more accurate decision. The panel's purpose is to help the user understand what is currently happening with the statistics, 包括关键绩效和价值指标(KPI). Admin layouts often have charts, graphs, percentages, and more that visualize data results.


管理主题是一次看到几个网站指标的机会, 所以这种类型的监测更重要, 方便, 和盈利能力. 您可以根据需要定制布局,以便进行更详细的分析.


  • You use them to track the regression or progress of your work and identify the most effective statistical procedures and trends. 您还可以看到客户对某些产品的反应, pages, posts, 或者你网站上的功能. 所有这些都有助于做出决定.
  • Thanks to a quick way of tracking the performance of your informative website or online store, 你会发现改善业务的新机会.
  • This analytical information can be easily shared with others or displayed in presentations such as 演示文稿.
  • 将信息面板用于商业或个人目的.


任何功能、设备或技术都有其优点和缺点. We invite you to review the 指示板 template's most influential pros and cons.


  • 创建报告,作为KPI变化的指标;
  • 图表自动工作,每天、每周或每月输出结果;
  • 能够个性化报告数据请求;
  • 当前的趋势和机会是分析变化的基础;
  • 整合营销分析, 电子商务数据, 并将各种信息指标整合到一个面板中.


  • 有可能使信息面板上的数据过载, 因此很难对其进行可视化管理;
  • 面板通常是静态的, so it is necessary to additionally adjust the periodicity of data changes so that information can be updated automatically;
  • You should choose the layout design very carefully to adapt it to your needs as quickly as possible.


管理主题有几种类型. 它们在使用目的、设计和功能上有所不同. 你可以找到以下展板:

  1. 销售和营销监控面板. 这是跟踪销售最有效的技术. Such panels are suitable for a business with several brands with ready traffic. The main goal of such a site is to maintain stable growth, not to create a new strategy.
  2. 用户分析面板. 这是您公司网站的最佳解决方案. You receive regular reports on your colleague's work, data results of a certain process, etc.
  3. 性能监控面板. 您将始终能够提供质量度量, 成长价值指标, 反弹或视图, 每次转换成本, 每次点击, 支持请求, etc. 也有可能将这样的度量减少到机器学习.


我们的Templateog体育首页市场有许多高级管理主题. They cover any monitoring and analysis queries and have the necessary 功能. 您可以使用按主题筛选器来选择主题. 这是你的商业目的所必需的.


这些是带有指标的多功能面板. 他们提供了大量的图表、图表、百分比和数字. 您可以使用它们来分析网站用户或用于营销目的. 任何人都可以使用这种面板, 也就是企业网站, 广告公司, 还有网上服装商店, 配件, shoes, 电子产品, etc.

We recommend this tab if you are looking for the closest 功能 for medical purposes. 在这里你可以找到必要的功能:疾病/恢复时间表, 专家人数统计, 病人, 药物, 或设备, 还日历.


有许多不同的工具可用于创建信息图表、图表等. 你可以从电子Excel表格开始,或者使用特殊的软件. A profitable solution depends on some factors that any company should consider:

  • 您应该确保您的管理主题可以连接到所有信息数据.
  • It is important to choose such a solution; you can configure it easily and adapt it to the business platform you need.
  • We recommend that you also pay attention to cloud solutions because it provides access from any access point.


你可以自己使用仪表板. 让自己熟悉驾驶的各种可能性, 功能, 和配置, 我们为你准备了一些评论.



它是用于识别关键业务因素的特定页面. It is necessary in any case if you obtain key performance indicators automatically. kpi与用户、市场营销、销售和生产力相关.


这个过程包括选择正确的数据源, 设计一个视觉上吸引人的布局, 选择适当的小部件和视觉效果, 并创建交互功能,如向下钻取和钻取. 另外, 仪表板必须根据用户的需求和偏好进行定制, 并且必须易于理解和操作.


Such technology is necessary because you make a profitable decision regarding strategic changes in your business. 它有助于减少手动跟踪用户性能的时间和成本, 生产力, 销售监控.


你需要在我们的网站上注册. 接下来,选择必要的主题并将其添加到购物车中. 输入您的付款细节并选择一个网关. 经过验证后,您将收到帐户上的产品存档.